Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine

Dr (TCM) Pamela D'Alberto specialises in couples with fertility problems and has helped many women conceive through using acupuncture and herbal medicine alongside western IVF and assisted conception.
In my practise I integrate acupuncture and herbal medicine to treat various types of infertility problems both male and female. By using both eastern and western medicine techniques the chances of couples conceiving and maintaining a healthy pregnancy are greatly increased.
A large percentage of the patients I see at the clinic are aged 35+ and 42+. Whilst leaving children until later in life is becoming more the norm it is also not impossible to conceive naturally and to go on and have healthy babies. I therefore offer tailor made fertility programmes for both male and female patients. This programme involves weekly acupuncture with herbal formulas and dietary advice.
Working couples cannot always see me during the day so I am able to offer evening and weekend appointments. Appointments can always be adapted to meet work and family needs.
Dr (TCM) Pamela D'Alberto also treats many other conditions such as stress, anxiety, depression, pain, digestive disorders, and bowel conditions such as colitis, bloating and distension.